使用口腔益生菌可滿足免疫系統的健康主要原因 |
1. Supplementing with a probiotic that can colonize in the mouth and start benefiting there helps to protect overall health and wellbeing. Bacteria exists throughout our body, and a primary entry point is the oral cavity – for good and bad. BLIS K12® is a specific strain of Streptococcus salivarius that was discovered in the mouth of an extremely healthy child, not susceptible to common ear and throat infections. BLIS K12® starts colonization in the mouth and can migrate into the throat and ear canal supporting oral, throat, and ear health.
2. Supplementing with probiotics like BLIS K12® can help to preserve a healthy mouth, throat and ears. Common upper respiratory infections are often caused by pathogenic bacteria. Otitis media (ear infection) and pharyngitis (sore throat) can be the result of pathogenic bacteria, such as Strep. pyogenes, growing in the mouth, throat and inner ear. Three published studies have shown supplementation with BLIS K12® probiotics to combat against such bacteria, while reducing the incidence of recurrent otitis media and pharyngitis in both children and adults.
3. Missing days of school and work costs both time and money. Otitis media, acute upper respiratory infection, acute pharyngitis, and Streptococcal sore throat are 4 of the top 10 reasons parents take their children to the pediatrician. While there is no need to prove this is a valid issue, should we remind you that it goes beyond the doctor visit for personal cost?
4. Our bodies need to restore a balanced microbiota after antibiotic use for bacterial infections. Antibiotics are intended to kill the pathogenic bacteria that cause infection in the body – but they do such a good job that they tend to kill more bacteria than is needed. Probiotic use following antibiotics helps to restore the natural balance of bacteria needed for our bodies to thrive healthfully.
5. Safe for children and adults in easy-to-consume formats. Probiotics come in many forms from tablets, powders, chewables, and even foods like yogurt and ice cream. There are tens of thousands of studies on probiotics showcasing the benefits and safety of use with all ages. With safe, convenient options for everyone, why not utilize probiotics for more than gut health?
【發明人生命故事】:病人變『口腔益生菌』博士 35年不間斷投入研究Dr. John Tagg 教授小時候罹患『鏈球菌性喉炎』(猩紅熱)後,導致『急性關節風濕症』,在其後10年間,他每天被要求服用抗生素來預防再度感染。這樣『為病所苦』的親身經歷,讓他終其一生,全力投入『口腔益生菌』的研究,專注在預防由口腔進入而產生感染的『鏈球菌性喉炎』,以及其他的感染病,研究課題包含:口腔感染、上呼吸道感染、耳道炎、牙周病、齲齒菌、免疫力、口臭、安全性…等。在許多的實驗中Dr. John Tagg 教授發現有一部分的紐西蘭小朋友很不容易感冒. 他培養這些小朋友口腔中的細菌而發現了這群小朋友口中有一种特殊的唾腺鏈球菌K12. 有了唾腺鏈球菌K12的人較不易上呼吸道感染. 但有此菌的人很少,大約佔總人口的百分之2.。這是一種全新的,在這以前未曾被人發現。紐西蘭Otago奧塔哥大學取得了這種的專利權。Tagg教授是BLIS Technologies的顧問,該公司於二千零一年在新西蘭上市。
今日的Dr. John Tagg 教授是一位世界知名的微生物學家,在任教的紐西蘭Otago大學專精研究,從對『咽喉炎及蛀牙』有特殊抵抗力的兒童口腔中,取出培養2種『特殊唾液鏈球菌』(S. Salivarius)人體原生專利菌株,因為大多數人的口腔無法自然產生這兩種益菌,必須以科學及專利技術,包括科學配方及專利製程,經過多年研究,終於催生BLIS-K12菌的誕生